European export center for electric buses

European export center for electric buses

In addition to lithium-ion batteries, electric buses constitute the primary export product of the Polish e-mobility sector. Between 2017 and 2021, nearly one-third (31.2%) of electric buses exported by EU Member States originated from Polish factories. The value of e-buses supplied abroad by manufacturers with factories in Poland exceeded EUR 750 million, representing nearly 40% of the total export value of such vehicles from the European Union.

Poland has established an extensive production base encompassing electric buses, components (including lithium-ion batteries and drive systems), and charging stations. Companies operating within Poland collaborate closely, engaging in joint research and development endeavors and forming consortia to offer integrated products and services. This collaborative approach has enabled them to secure successive foreign tenders. What factors contribute to this success? An analysis conducted by F5A experts, with the assistance of key stakeholders in the zero-emission public transport sector, addresses this inquiry.

The study contains an analysis of export results of the Polish e-mobility sector in the field of electric buses, presents factors determining the destinations of e-bus exports, shows the export advantages of Polish companies and describes the reasons for which Poland has become the European leader in the e-bus market today. Moreover, based on the example of instruments implemented by Polish public administration, recommendations were prepared for actions that other countries can take to build their own production and export potential in the area of electric buses.

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